Monday, April 03, 2006

Fwd:The Steve Jobs Question

This is what, i got as a forwarded mail from one of my friend.
Nice read...

From: Shankar, Gauri
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 9:24 PM
Subject: The Steve Jobs Question - by Robin Sharma

I've been hearing a lot about Apple CEO Steve Jobs lately - his winning ways with the iPod, his transformation of Apple, his achievements with film studio Pixar. He's a pretty interesting guy, from what I can gather. Brilliant. Driven. Passionate. He's also a philosopher.

Jobs spent some formative time in India. He studied with sages. He visited meditation retreats. He pondered life's big questions. Speaking of questions, I've heard there's one in particular that he asks himself every time he faces a big decision or choice point in his life: “what would I do if this was the last night of my life?” I love it.

No one on their deathbed ever regretted the risks that they took. The place of least security is in the security zone. To live a big life, it's essential that you take calculated risks - often. Without daring, there can be no winning. Steve Jobs met his wife that way. He was giving a speech at a university and spotted her in the audience. He met her after the event and wanted to take her to dinner - but he had a business meeting. As he walked to his car, he asked himself: “if this was the last night of my life, what would I do?” He ran back to the auditorium and found her. They've been together ever since.

This is a great time to reflect. You are leaving one year and welcoming in another. Go deep. Reflect on what To Dos you have not done because fear got in the way. Think about how quickly life is passing and what needs to get done so you feel you played your best game as a human being. And then walk out into the world - and shine. We'll all be better off once you do.
“iCon”, the new biography on Apple CEO Steve Jobs (Apple sold 18 million iPods in 2005). It's a superb read. Gives you an inside glimpse of the thinking, behavior and life of a modern day business genius. Love him or not, the guy's a true visionary.

With Regards,
Gauri Shankar

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